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Welcome to safer surgery...

LFSM: Learning from Surgical Mistakes

How to turn mistakes and near misses into positive learning events

LFSM was established by a group of Orthopaedic Surgical Trainees to share and discuss our errors in a non-judgemental and open environment.

Following the overwhelming success of our first meeting and publication in The Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedics we have decided to create a national forum of peer support for surgeons.

What is a surgical mistake?

A surgical mistake is a decision or action which produces unwanted consequences, be that for the surgeon or the patient or both.

This encompasses everything from very small to very large errors or could, in extremely rare circumstances, result in fatality.

Why do mistakes happen?

Surgical mistakes result from complex interactions, decisions, and events rather than isolated, individual errors.

When analysing mistakes therefore they can never be read in isolation but must be seen in the context of the Healthcare setting and the wider surgical team.

Many models of medical errors exist and we will be exploring them over time on this website and in traditional print media.

How can I avoid mistakes in surgery?

Although they cannot be avoided entirely, the key to minimising mistakes is to acknowledge the mistakes of those who have us, learn with humility from our peers and scrutinise our own practice.

Please take a moment to look through our Error Log to see if you recognise any of the mistakes listed and feel free to get in touch to add your own.


Have a question or comment? Drop us a line and let us know what you think.

Thanks for Reaching Out!

© 2023 Learning from Surgical Mistakes. All rights reserved.

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